Sunday, October 22, 2006

Eid Mubarek

raya ecard ekad

Link to free ecard. In Malay language and English language.You can send a lot of attractive raya kad for no cost at all. Its also a way to save cost and your budget!

No registration:

Registration needed:

Friday, October 06, 2006

Geng the Move: Malaysia Animation 3D

Les’ Copaque Production is an animation company in Shah Alam, Selangor Malaysia. Our main concern is to produce the best quality animation. Our ultimate goal is to produce high quality full cg animated film. Our services include 3D animation, modeling, rendering, architecture presentation, commercial, motion graphics, visual effects and game cinematic. Read More hereThis animation works is awesome!

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Useful Firefox Addons for web/template designer

Firefox has become a must to have browser for almost internet users. Although it become tough concurrence from IE,Opera and newly lunched Flock, Firefox remains on the top for the last few months in many survey. Firefox extension is one of the strenght that the community own. This extension help a lot of internet surfers simplifying their task to download video, to use IE based tab, to pick color, to measure a table etc etc.

Therefore I would like to recommend 5 vital extensions to those who busy designing and creating new web templates.

  1. ColorZilla
  2. Collection of tool that help you to pickup color. Also provide the Eyedropper tool so that you can determine your desire color on the web.
  3. Measureit
    Help you to measure something on the web. Width of table, width of paragraph etc etc. For example if you want to make a image for your header, you can measure directly the width of header by using the tool.
  4. IE Tab
    Its vital to make sure your CSS work on Internet Explorer. Using this tool, you can view your webdesign in an IE tab in the Firefox itself
  5. Fasterfox
    Fasterfox allows you to tweak many network and rendering settings such as simultaneous connections, pipelining, cache, DNS cache, and initial paint delay.
  6. Perfomancing Performancing for Firefox is a full featured blog editor that sits right in your Firefox browser and lets you post to your blog easily. You can drag and drop formatted text from the page you happen to be browsing, and take notes as well as post to your blog

Thursday, September 28, 2006


What is niche?
A niche market is a focused, targetable portion of a market sector. In writing blog a niche is very importang to make your readers get the right informations on what they are looking for?

The very famous niche that generate high revenue from AdSense is generally about
  1. Technology
  2. Health
  3. Properties
In this entry I will share with you a nice niche blog that in my opinion unique and different. Remember the the previous tips?One of them is Be unique!

This is an example of a unique niche. If you type a keywords about free tv, online tv,Channel choooser (which in July got a very high rank in Google), FreeTube, or Streamick you will see the Xeep blog will be either in front page of Google Search results.

How could this happens?
  1. the use of repeated keywords
  2. the use of backlinks. SEngine Bot read backlinks very well.
  3. the use of current topic and news
  4. the niche itself!
So if you are going to start a niche blog based, get a scatch idea from this blog. YOu will find some tips and tricks that being shared here are practiced over there. Happy blogging

Sunday, September 17, 2006

How to make visitor come again to your blog?

In the previous entry, I have written about the Golden Rules regarding driving traffic to your blog. BY this time your traffic blog should be little bit increasing. MOst if them are first timer. It is important too, to make sure the visitor of your blog continuously come to visit your blog. So, what should I do to make my first time blog readers not only come but stay? [add and edit] 5 Golden Rules to make your visitors keep visiting and stay.

  1. Provide them with "to be continue" material. For sure it should be an interesting material. Cut your long tutorial into serial of short tutorial. How to make bussiness like banner and header part 1, part 2 etc etc. Example of 4 Series on how to make your proffesional header.
  2. Use Feed readers and Feedgators. The power of RSS and ATOM feed can not be denied. More and more internet surfers is now using feed to reduce the time of surfing and digging for information.
    Try Feedburners. They have been long enough in the scenario. What is feed? From Wiki:An aggregator or news aggregator is client software that uses a web feed to retrieve syndicated web content such as weblogs, podcasts, vlogs, and mainstream mass media websites, or in the case of a search aggregator, a customized set of search results.
  3. Dont forget to answer their comments and reviews. Even a short thank you will make the visitor be loyal to your blog.
  4. Make a lot of backlinks to your previous post. Thats why in the previous entry I do encourage you to write a serie of tutorial that contains separate parts. You might write the tutorial not in same page and same date , as it is time consuming and make your page untidy. eg Part 1 of 4 is written on 21.8.06 and the Part 2 is written few days later. By doing that you can combine your tutorial by linking them from one part to other part.
  5. Configure your BLOG in Technorati! Dont forget the power of technorati! Many bloggers have their own account in technorati. And they subscribe to many others blogs thru Technorati. It will make easier for your loyal readers to get informed your latest progress.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

How to drive traffic to your blog

Blog has changed its function since the AdSense programm introduced few years ago. I start blogging in 2002, but just realize about the power of AdSense last year. 3 years of wasting time write abou bull shit story mori about lame life. So its never too late to change. Nothing is impossible if you work harder. So in this entry I will share with you 7 WAYS how you can drive more traffic to your blog.

  1. Write "how to" tutorial. Just simple 5-7 steps tutorial. For example "Write about how to make your own blog banner".
  2. Write about something that is currently happening. Target your readers. For example yesterday was the 5th year of 11/9. So write about it!
  3. After that submit your entry to social bookmarking like and technorati.
  4. Visit blog that has heavy traffic and participate in the discussion. Leave comments and dont forget your link. Blog like Shoemoney , Dave Taylor and the famous ISnaini Blog templates receive heavy traffic everyday for keywords how to, template, adsense etc etc
  5. all the blog directories as many as you can. Try ping-o-matic . It is just nice to start with.
  6. Start your own simple directory. You can make a simple directory by listing for example "My 10 best Wordpress Plugins". Or you can make a list of "My best Blogger Skins"
  7. Use tags! Download Mozilla Technorati Tags Script for Firefox browser. This script help you to automatically add Technorati Tags in your blogspot post.
Happy trying!!!!

Monday, September 11, 2006


When creativity just goes beyond the limit.....impossible is nothing!

Advertisement: Advertisement: Looking for a simple yet unique and catchy corporate logo? We offer a very lowest price (Euro 1- Euro 5) ready to use logo for your corporate blog and website. Any size! Contact us at mohdiznan[@]

Dave Taylor´s 5 Golden Rules in Affiliates Business

Dave Taylor is a well known search engine Gurus and Affiliates. His speech in the Affiliate Summit 2006 enlighten many participants of how and what is the behaviour of the search engine nowadays.

You can watch Dave giving the speech in Google Video

He asked the participants, What to explore and at the same what should be improved?

Dave also give few golden rules to success as affiliates and search engine advertisement benefactor. I list here 5 Golden Rules that he delivered in his speech during the gathering.

Dave said

  1. "Your company needs a face. You build relationships with people, not with companies."
    Means: Build your company image and start making contact with people

  2. "Everything (business cards, brochures, product packaging etc.) should point to your website. And every single web page should promote your product/service/company"
    Means: In real world all the things that your company sell,market and promote should include/notice your existence in the internet.

  3. "Corporate blogs should be just about business. They should be professional". Means: It is now the time to reshape and redesign your blog that you used to convey your corporate news,vision and mission.

  4. "You have to pay attention to your blog and the comments (and your guestbook and your bulletin board). You can't just put the stuff online and come back six months later". Means: Be consistent. Maintain your blog and website frequently. Dont let the enquiry and comments from your customers and blog visitors left un answered.

  5. "Be authentic; allow comments; disclose your biases and business affiliations (=be honest); establish credibility (share your knowledge; show your foto); stay focused on your topic" Means: You know what does he means. Be honest, be pure and be original!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

5 Factors that make Snap so cool

Snap has been announced one of TIME 50 best(coolest) websites. (They will soon overtake Google, believe me)

5 Factors that make Snap so cool

1. The technology they use. Snap is powered by AJAX. This make the search process become more attractive and interactive yet informative.

2. The partner they partnered with. Snap partner ranging from X1 Tech which desktop search software is the markt leader in the industry, DMOZ an open source directory and the famous what-is-based search engine ie
A complete package of a future search engine

3. Bill Gross. This guy is really awsome.
About Bill.
Bill's search experience includes Lotus Magellan, Knowledge Adventure, CitySearch (acquired by Ticketmaster), and GoTo/Overture (acquired by Yahoo). With Overture, Bill is credited with creating the modern search monetization model that most of today's search engines are built on. Beyond Search, Bill has founded a range of companies from CarsDirect (Internet Brands) to Energy Innovations to Insider Pages to Picasa (acquired by Google).

4. Dare to differ. Snap is not a Text-In and Text-out type search engine, but SNAP visualise the search result, helping the user to judge a
better result. The search result appear as a page of the website on the right side of Snap. You can even use the Javascript base scroll bar to scroll on your search result. Now we understand why 'A picture speaks more than words'

5. They feature a new plan of advertising for web publisher and advertiser. The CPA (cost per action) is what they offer for advertiser.

You pay only when you get the action you want from the customer, giving you maximum flexibility (a customer "action" can be a purchase, download, registration, subscription, lead, or just a click).
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Search Engine Sitemap: How to generate

What is Sitemap?

A site map (or sitemap) is a web page that lists the pages on a web site site, typically organized in hierarchical fashion. This helps visitors, and search engine bots, to find pages on the site. Ironically a Sitemap helps Search Engine (any) find, index, and rank your website.

The best Sitemap recommended by Google is the one which generated which .xml extension. It allows search engine bots to index non html files like Macromedia Flash or JavaScript. It is because swf and javascript menus do not include HTML links.

How to make the Sitemap?

It is realy easy. Third party Sitemap generator can help you to solve this problem. Just key in your URL and in few minutes a sitemap will be generated in .xml extension. Then you should copy the .xml files and place it in your web root, or in a folder where you put your website files.

List of 3rd Party Sitemap Generator:
  4. Sitemap generator for Wordpress
The sitemap is really useful when you want every single page from your website be indexed by any SE. Some Sitemap generator can be downloaded for free, so that you can generate your sitemap alone in your Laptop or PC.

Thats all for now.......happy sitemapping

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Autosurf = PONZI Scheme

What is ponzi scheme? Ponzi schemes are a type of illegal pyramid scheme named after the notorious CHarles Ponzi, an Italy immigrant who duped thousands of New England residents into investing in a postage stamp speculation scheme back in the 1920s.

The principe is simple, the Ponzi scheme works on the "rob-Peter-to-pay-Paul" principle, as money from new investors is used to pay off earlier investors until the whole scheme collapses.

excerpt from US Securiteis and Exchange Commision.

Last year in one of my entry, I wrote about the Autosurf scheme namely 12 Daily Pro. In March 2006, the SEC of America has ordered the 12 Daily Pro to stop their operations. Remember the story between Stormpay and 12Daily Pro, where the Stormpay froze the fund from 12DailyPro, claiming that the scheme was similar as the Ponzi Scheme.


Litigation Release No. 19592 / March 7, 2006

Securities And Exchange Commission v. Charis Johnson, LifeClicks, LLC, and 12daily Pro, Civil Action No. CV 06-01018 NM (PLAx) (C.D. Cal.)

Court Enters Order Permanently Enjoining and Freezing Assets of Defendants in 12daily Pro "Autosurf" Internet Ponzi Scheme, and Appointing Permanent Receiver

The Honorable Nora M. Manella, United States District Judge for the Central District of California, today entered an order permanently enjoining defendants Charis Johnson, LifeClicks, LLC, and 12daily Pro from violating the antifraud and securities registration provisions of the federal securities laws. In addition to the permanent injunctions, the order freezes the defendants' assets, appoints a permanent receiver over LifeClicks and 12daily Pro, prohibits the destruction of documents by the defendants, and requires accountings from the defendants. The defendants consented to the entry of the order without admitting or denying the allegations in the complaint. Read more

But who knows, that the Stormpay might be a scammers to. They cooperate each other, created the story between them so the investors feel like the 12Daily Pro was right and the Stormpay was on the wrong side.

After all there are no lunch you can get it for free......

Read more about PONZI Scheme
  1. Wiki Ponzi
  2. Ponzi at Technorati

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

AdSense position tricks

There are many tips as well as tricks on how to attract your visitors to click your AdSense. It is not the same like two or three years before, where people or internet surfers might dont know what the AdSense is all about. They just click on it without knowing that the web publisher get in turn some profit.

Nowadays with the growing awareness of internet surfers, they now getting cleverer than before. Since the AdSense nowadays deliver not so accurate advertisement, the internet surfers in turn tend to avoid the advertisement links. But dont worry...nuthing is imposible

First methode: Tricky ads text,title and links.
Study the ScreenGrab below: I grab this from a Photoshop tutorial website

The border and the background has been blackened so that it suit to the backgorund of the page.The text and links are also hard to distinguish because of the white color they possesed. Which is the advertisement links and which is the link from the website itself.The title has red in color, same like the titles that are from the website.

Second methode: Small thumbnail beside medium rectangle Ads
Study the position of the AdSense and the 4 small thumbnail beside it. Did it suit each other?

Third methode: A row of 4 pictures above a leaderboard Ads
Study the position of the AdSense and the 4 small pictures above it. Did it like the belong each other.

For Wordpress user, get your plugins AdSense Beautifier here.

And for your soup of the adsense is the bunch tips and tricks on how to improve your adsense here

Monday, August 28, 2006

Ostasiatische Verein.


Dienstleister für die deutsche Asienwirtschaft

Als Dienstleister für die deutsche Asienwirtschaft fördert der OAV die bilateralen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zur Asien-Pazifik Region. Als privatwirtschaftlicher Verband sind wir branchenübergreifend und überregional der Ansprechpartner für deutsche Unternehmen und unterstützen beim Auf- und Ausbau von Geschäftsbeziehungen. Dabei arbeiten wir in enger Kooperation mit den Spitzenverbänden der deutschen Wirtschaft und den Ministerien. Der OAV spiegelt das gesamte Spektrum der deutschen Asienwirtschaft wieder. Neben Großindustrie und Banken sowie Handelshäusern sind mittelständische Betriebe unter den Mitgliedern.

Korporative Mitglieder profitieren von einem breiten Spektrum an Services wie individueller Beratung und Sachinformationen in den Publikationen und bei den Veranstaltungen des OAV.

Die Geschäftsstelle in Hamburg koordiniert die Aktivitäten in Deutschland und Asien. Der OAV ist in das Netzwerk der deutschen Außenhandelsvertretungen eingebunden. In schwierigen Märkten verfügen wir über eigene Repräsentanzen.

Als einer der Träger des Asien-Pazifik-Ausschusses der Deutschen Wirtschaft wirkt der OAV an der Verbesserung der Rahmenbedingungen für die deutsche Asienwirtschaft mit. Durch kontinuierliche Kontakte zu Entscheidungsträgern aus Wirtschaft und Politik in Deutschland, Europa und Asien und der Beteiligung an bi- und multilateralen Gremien leisten wir wirkungsvolle Interessenvertretung für die deutsche Asienwirtschaft.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Sort of Happy and 5 Golden Rules to success in Internet Marketing

5 Golden Rules to success in Internet Marketing

1. Set your aims. Are you doing it for hobby or for life?
2. Build your business oriented website. Should not be so colourful but stay informative
3. Draw traffic to your web. It helps you to gain some income by monetizing it using the advertisement programm such as AdSense. (send it to directories, make links, digg it, ping it,advertise it, promote it, etc etc)
4. Look for relevant products. Start advertising it before selling it.

By the way I am happy as I pass the second and third rule. I gain a lot of traffic after my article about Biofuel being published in the newspaper (berita harian). See the picture. Nice advertising oppurtunity!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Power of PING: Argumentation

What is PING?
Ping is a computer network tool used to test whether a particular host is reachable across an IP network (from wiki).

Many ping servers let bloggers or web publisher to ping them of their latest update or entry. Open ping servers like Weblogs and the new Yahoo listed company offer free ping service for bloggers to update their latest entry. PING has been widely used as one of the SEO tools to attract more visitors to ones blog. You can also ping multiple ping servers using

Ping is actually designed for blog subscribers to be informed of fresh new published contents. But recently due to "i-want-more-visitor-to-click-my-adsense" and "i-have-no-patient-to-do-business" attitude, the emerging of spam ping also known as Sping did effect the function of the ping itself.

Sping is functioning as a invisible ping server which directed the internet surfer to particular websites or blogs that are purposely build and maintain to earn money thru adsense or selling bundle software,ebooks etc.

To encourage the accordingly use of ping, just be natural. Update your blog frequently with fresh contents, promote your product wise and evenly, then PING them!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Made for Adsense Contents Rich tips

I have made some research and small questioanaire on what internet surfers and users do search much and how adsense perform according to the contents of your website.

This 5 top topics generate more income thru your AdSense. So write about it in your blog frequently!!!

1. Properties (sales,house,lands etc etc)
2. Energie (renewable energy, solar energy,biofuel, ethanol)
3. Software (security software, antivirus software, networking software)
4. Robotic (artificial intelligence, automation etc etc)
5. Sex (some how the more visitor you get, the expensive the ads will be...)

I want to promote my friend´s blog.....please visit

rafique´s world of martial arts

This is a very good example of rich of contents blog. My friend decide to start his own MFA blog after inspired by me?!...hehehe..... so you can look at it......

Yahoo Web Crawler

Previously we have been discussing about submitting your website to web directories. Not to be forgotten, DMOZ. DMOZ is an open project web directory. Submitting your website to DMOZ might cause a lot of traffic to your website. Give it a try!

Actaully todays topic isYahoo Slurp!

Yahoo SLurp is yahoo web crawler. Its new features allow the yahoo robots to crawl on blog. The explaination on how yahoo robots would crawl on your blog can be found here. Yahoo-Blogsv 3.9
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How to get your site ranked in the Search Engine?

Ask Kalena... search engine tips and advice column

I have taken this tipps from there with some alterfication.

1. Submit you site to open directories. Here are some list of open directories. Free of charge.

. Amfibi -
• BigFinder -
• Burf -
• ExactSeek -
• Graymule Search -
• Mostpopularsites -

2. Create a search engine friendly navigation structure and prepare and upload an XML sitemap to Google Sitemaps. Attention to CMS users especially MAmbo and Joomla, use SEF modul and components.
3. Place a file call robots.txt in your site root. This allow the crawler robots from Search Engine to visit your site. More about robots.txt Robots Tips.

Selamat Mencuba

Monday, July 31, 2006

How to position your AdSense?

How to get more click through your Adsense? After keywords, the position of the Adsense is very important. Many newbie thought that a very big skyscraper and banner would attract their visitor to click on the AdSense, but few knew that they can generate more click thru unintention click by the surfer.

Where does surfer or your web visitor click most? In IE and Firefox where "tab" is an easy way to have many websites open in one windows, the position of the Adsense that near to the "tab" is like to be very effective place to get this unintentional click.

Let us see on the picture below. Look at the Adsense position and the "tab" browser. The location is so near, that sometimes the surefer or your web visitor unintentionally click on the adsense.

So why dont you give a try????

Thursday, July 27, 2006

E-Zine online now. Available for download

Download disini

. Right click > Save link as....

Sorry for the delay! I try my best to work on it, but to no avail. MY Internet connection was kaputt for nearly 10 days now.

As I said in the previous entry, this the demo edition. Edisi Percubaan bak kata orang melayu. So it means that, it will contains typos, mistakes etc etc.

The magazine will be available to download, as I complete my last editing. Dont hesitate to leave any comments or critics as well as advices for me to improve the ezine in the future.

For the next issue, all readers of this blog are welcome to contribute their thoughts, articles and any information materials regarding Seks Melayu. All selected article will be published with the authors name or blog/website, if you have ones, and dont be afraid as the copyright remain yours.

To all internet entrepreneur who are seeking and looking new medium to advertise their products and services, dont hesitate to contact me via my email nummerzwei35[@]

I also plan to publish a short tutorial on How to use Scribus as desktop publishing tool base on my experience producing the Lelaki Sihat EZine. The tutorial will be published unfortunately only in Malay language.

Download disini

. Right click > Save link as....

Attention: Mambo Users!

Mambo Site hacked!

To all Mambo users...please alert that many Mambo base CMS website have been recently hacked, all done by turkish hackers. The hackers did hack the website thru vulnerable third party components and modules such as gallery, forum and calendar.

Please back up your database as yours might be hacked too.

What is the cause?

1. Third party components like Simpleboardforum, Gallery and ExtCal has some vulnerability
2. Your directories is set to 777 which allow hackers to penetrate your system
3. Your web hosting provider did enable the php-variable register_globals
4. Your password is easy to trace

How to to prevent your Mambo site being hacked?

1. Update your third party components especially Gallery,Forum and ExtCalendar and others too.
2. Set your directories permission to 644
3. Turn the register_globals to OFF
4. Change your mysql password and your administrator password in Mambo. They know all your passwords because they gained access into your database which holds the passwords in a MD5 format.
5. Remove this two files in your Components folder web.php and haluk.php
6. Block all the IPs from the origin country of the hackers. In my case ie Turkey...sorry an alle turkische Freunde.

Technorati Tags: , , , ,

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Mambo Site hacked!

To all Mambo users...please alert that many Mambo base CMS website have been recently hacked, all done by turkish hackers. The hackers did hack the website thru vulnerable third party components and modules such as gallery, forum and calendar.

Please back up your database as yours might be hacked too.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Perak will be the first wireless state in Malaysia

Red Snapper project another step towards a `Wireless Perak'

(Business Times (Malaysia) Via Thomson Dialog NewsEdge) ASIA Gateway Communications, in which the Perak Government has just bought a 40 per cent stake, expects a revenue of US$100 million (RM366 million) in five years from its burgeoning regional Red Snapper voice over WiFi project.

Asia Gateway chief executive officer Braham Singh said the first-year revenue is targeted at about US$10 million, (RM36.6 million) while the breakeven point should be seen in 12 to 18 months.

The Red Snapper project offers VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) over WiFi-cellular handsets and allows smooth handover between WiFi and cellular. This is made possible with the Altai technology designed by Altai Technologies of Hong Kong.

Braham said the project would hub out of the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) in Ipoh.

Asia Gateway yesterday signed an agreement with Perak State Economic Development Corp for the stake sale.

In return for that 40 per cent stake, Asia Gateway has been given a 7.67ha site in Pulau Pangkor, and a 1.62ha site in Meru and the use of Perak Techno Trade Centre in Meru.

Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Tajol Rosli Ghazali said he was more keen in developing "Wireless Perak", rather than making money out of the venture.

"While businesses will now get broadband at competitive rates, Wireless Perak will also provide Internet access to students and weaker sections at subsidised rates.

"When fully deployed, Wireless Perak, through the Red Snapper project, should allow one to sit in our parks and enjoy free Internet," he said.

Tajol expects 60 per cent of towns in Perak and 80 per cent of Ipoh in particular, would be "Wireless Perak" before Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi launches Perak MSC in September.

Elaborating on the project, Braham said Red Snapper's unique wireless broadband solutions means ISPs (Internet Service Providers) and fixed line carriers now have the ability to offer mobile over existing WiFi-GSM, CDMA and 3G handsets.

He also said Asia Gateway had launched a separate business unit solely to market and sell Altai long-range base stations to Asian carriers, ISPs, government institutions and city municipalities for both data and voice last mile deployments.

It means that Marketing strategy in Perak can be widened to a new prospect. Investor and business player can advertise their product easily throughout the internet focusing in their market in Perak.

This is an opportunity for those who are clearly on their way to utilize the new technology.

Nevertheless the project should be accomodated with a holistic approach, in order to keep it safe and clean for youngster and youth. It also

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

How to save your money: IT Saving Article

This article will cover three key factors in saving your money having your own PC complete with software (OEM) and networking system. All price are based on latest release of pricel list by

1. Customize your PC (Branded PC vs Customize PC)
2. Use open source software (OpenOffice, UBUNTU/Linux, etc etc)
3. Build your own networking system (internet, LAN etc etc)

1. Customize your PC
Branded PC such as Acer Aspire and HP Pavilion may cost you around 1000 to 2000 MYR (Malaysian Ringgit). Depends on the hardware used.

However you can customize your PC easily by following the tutorial included here. (click here). It costs you less than the price offer by the branded desktop or pc. What you need is little bit patient and courage. Want to save your money rite? Stop doing all the unnecessary things, move forward and be courageous!

2. Use open source Software
Mostly all customize PC or desktop come blankly without any OS and supported applications installed. OS like windows although can be bought for RM 5 from the "kaki lima" VCD seller is not worth use, as it did not support security alert from Otherwise you can be charged by using illegal software or pirated application. So the way out is to use OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE. Linux had worked very well for years for application in servers and networking system. But recently with the introduction of Linux related OS like UBUNTU or KDE Desktop the Open SOurce OS for desktop become available for no price at all. Not only the Desktop OS, the Open Source Software cover most of the tasks that windows did. OpenOffice for example is a rival to Microsft office application. For web developer, Dreamweaver of Frontpage (that costs about RM1000++) can be replaced by NvU and others. Not to mention Firefox, Opera which have been long enough, providing us with free of charge internet browser.

This open source software is not only distributed of no cost, but are well designed to protect the pc from bugs and virus. It is because the softwares have very reliable support throughout their own support community and well documented documentation.

To be continued.....
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Ihr sucht möglichkeit ein Nebenjob zu machen? Problemlos ist nicht. Heutzutage ist ein Nebenjob sehr billigt belohnt. nebenjob hat größe Bedeutung an Studenten. Die suchen extra Taschengeld durch verschiedenen Nebenjob.

Aber weiss euch, dass ich pro Stunden ganz einfach paar Euro bekommen können ohne Nebenjob zu haben?

Wirklich! es ist kein Witz!

I will tell you what I did. In Germany the plastic bottle has their own value. Every plastic bottle with this symbol can be exchanged back in the supermarket with 25 cents Euro. What I did is to be bottle collecter evry night. What I can say is that per night I can get more than 5 bottles, which cost 1,25 Euro.

Port paling baik ialah di bahnhof dan juga Stadtmitte. The best place to search for such things are the bahnhof and in the stadtmitte.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The best so far.

Text Link Ads

This is another marketing solution for all Internet MArketers and Entrepreuner. By buying this text ads links, you can advertise your product to a wide and huge consumer. Or if you are a web publisher and administrator, you can benefit too from the affiliate program.

Klik the button above for a free sign up. For every affilators that you manage to get, they will pay you 25USD per check or Paypal. What you are waiting for....sign up now by clicking the above button!!!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

E-Zine, Scribus dan DTP

Snapshot of Lelaki Sihat

E-Zine pertama seumpamanya. Itulah motto E-Zine Lelaki Sihat (LS) yang bakal terbit tidak lama lagi.

Dalam edisi pre-lunch yang akan dilancarkan seminggu lagi, para pembaca akan didedahkan dengan tips dan juga panduan kesihatan lelaki, zahir dan batin. Bukan itu sahaja, koleksi senaman batin yang diwarisi turun temurun juga akan dimuatkan didalam keluaran single tersebut.

The E-Zine was produced using Open Source Scribus 1.3.3 software. The tutorial insyaALlah will be included in the next entry. I feel so glad that in this world of internet,science and technology, which has been manipulated by many people to make lot of profit, there are some special person who nevertheless working on something that can benefit the mankind without asking for any payment.

Cheers to open source!!

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I am going to release an E Book soon about Men´s health. But the E-Book is only available in Bahasa Melayu.

This first edition will be covering many important things about Kesihatan Lelaki Zahir dan Batin.

contents probably : senaman TUA, teknik seks melayu dan barat, kesihatan zahir, fizikal sihat dan panduan pemakanan.

As I wrote in the previous entry, the Scribus DTP is easy to easy yet you need to sit in peace trying all the buttons and menus. I include my first attempt making the ebook looked page using Scribus.

If you want to go Internet Marketing, beside generate your revenue thru all the pay-per-click advertisement, you need to work on your benchmarking product. Many Internet entrepreneur start their success story producing an ebook. They wrote about everything. Although the contents may repeat so many times, but the way they presented might differ each and other.

After viewing the scenario of Internet Marketing and Business, in my humble opinion, an ebook can help represent you and motivate you to work harder to be accepted.

This ebook is an Alpha version. So I am thinking to reveal some of the contents for free. Absolutely not the content that I need to pay to get it.

Otherwise you can view some of the contents that already being written regularly in the Malay Sex Treasure.

If this success, I will write a tutorial "How to create your own eBook using Scribus". Selamat Beristirehat dan Selamat Berexam!!!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Who am I?

Who am I actually? Siapa saya? Am I another Internet business entrepreneur, who sell Ebooks about SEO,AdSense,Creating Website etc etc? Or am I offering any affiliate oppurtunity?

The answer is null. None of that. I am a plain man writing about those things just to fulfill my free time. I like business, and today Internet business is so interesting to discover and explore, so I make this decision to write everything that come out from my humble thought and mind. Perhaps one day I can be an author of my own thought and analyse. What a dream....

Ok..for today I am going to reveal a very up to date software, absolutely free of charge, as I mention before OPEN SOURCE DOES MATTER ME MUCH. This software will able you to create your own ebook. It is easy to use. It is a desktop publishing software that had won few awards before.

This is for free! Absolutely free of charge. You can start exploring it and write anything that you might think can sell and make profit!


Dont forget to thank me for the link. Click my sponsor on the left sidebar. Wink Wink

This is the real Matarezzi: Video of real Violence

This is the answer of what he has done yesterday. Zidane rawk!!!

Technorati Tags: ,

Zidane Headbutting Materazzi the bad boy

He had being provoked by the tattoo boy

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Zidane: The Hero and Tyrant

He was already a hero after the first goal. And he will be a long remembered hero if he score the head ball. But it turned to be 360°, as he head Materezi chest in the extra time.

Zidane had being provoked!!!


Saturday, July 08, 2006

Lesson 3: Make your visitor stay

This is a vital aspects to be take into account. Make your blog´s or website´s visitor feel like happy to stay and go through the content. But how? How to maintain your existence? Beside good and relevant contents, webdesign do play an important role to catch the attention of your first time visitor or reader.

Make use the right combination of colors.

Here are some nice links on which color suit each other.

1. WellSytled.com2. Colormatch Redux is a complete color scheme generator which includes the ability to export your chosen palette to a Photoshop ACT file or an Illustrator AI file.
3. ColorMatch 5k is a utility that will help you select a matching 6-color palette for your blog. Define a single color that you like. Matching colors will be calculated.

Satu Kajian Menarik Berkenaan KEYWORDS popular di Malaysia

Saya telah menjumpai Google Trend melalui website Steve Rubel. Lalu saya mencuba untuk membuat sedikit analisis berkaitan keywords atau kata pencarian paling popular di Malaysia. Melalui Google Trend, kita boleh mendapat maklumat tentang kata pencarian popular mengikut kawasan,negeri dan bahasa.

Maka seperti biasa saya akan mencuba kata pencarian Melayu. Hasilnya spt dibawah. Tiga bandar teratas adalah Kota Bharu, Batu Pahat dan Kulim.

Mungkin orang-orang Kota Bharu ingin mengetahu akan asal usul keMelayuan mereka. Atau mungkin mereka ingin mencari makna sebenar Melayu. Tapi cuba lihat graf dibawah.

Saya menggabungkan pencarian Seks dan Melayu dalam analisis kedua. Masih Kota Bharu menduduki tangga teratas. Agak mengejutkan.Tapi cuba kita masukkan kata pencarian yang lebih spesifik.

Bagi pencarian ketiga, saya masukkan perkataan Bogel. Saya menjadi terkejut, Kota Bharu masih di dalam senarai 3 tangga teratas.

Maka apakah yang dapat disimpulkan? Adakah pembudayaan IT yang baru-baru ini diperkenalkan oleh Kerajaan Kelantan, sudah mula menunjukkan impak negatifnya? Lalu saya tertanya lagi, adakah budaya IT yang cuba diterapkan oleh Kerajaan Kelantan hanya sekadar ingin berada dalam arus teknologi tanpa diisi dengan pengisian yang berguna lagi positif?

Yang terakhir saya memasukkan keyword ISLAM. Saya tidak lagi terperanjat berdasarkan 3 kajian diatas apabila Kota Bharu tiada dalam senarai teratas, mungkin kerana Bandarayanya sudah CUKUP Islam. Period

Apakah signifikannya Google Trend kepada internet marketers and entreprenuer?
Melalui Google Trend anda boleh menilai dan membuat analisis kepada produk yang anda cuba pasarkan dan jualkan. Apakah demand dan permintaan pasaran terkini terhadap produk anda. Melalui Google Trends juga seseuatu keywords dapat dianalisis pencariannya mengikut region(kawasan) dan kekerapan pencariannya.

JAdi gunakanlah Google Trends sekarang!

How to enhance your small scale business? Part 2.

Analyze your keywords

In the previous entry, I wrote about the important of keywords and fresh content in your website. Now is the time to learn how the keywords graph did change according the current trend. How to maintain fresh content that refer to your product? Study the current trend about your product by comparing the popularity of yours with your competitors.

I will give you a simple example. Let say I c want to start a company that is promoting and selling a biofuel conversion DIY kit. This kit allow a diesel based engine to be converted as vegetable based engine. Thus vegetable oil can be tanked. My target market is Malaysia and South East Asia region.

First step I need to analyze the market. As my target group are those who actively doing research about biofuel and the biofuel enthusiasism, I might predict (if my prediction goes well); they will search the informations from the Internet.

Where could I get all this comparison tool and keywords analyzer? Google Trend can help you doing that.

This graph help me to understand the current market trend of biofuel and his counterpart, ie biodiesel.

From that analysis, I could gather further information, how the trend change with help of news feed that Google provided along with the graph.

Happy Hunting!!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

How to enhance your small scale business? Marketing Solution for Internet Entrepreneur

Internet has become such a powerful tools for most of people in this day. Business and trading become easier than old days as marketers and investors can directly done their business´s activity via the internet.

As far as I concern, the powerful outreach and boundless internet world wide web can help new entrepreneur to promote and marketize their product. Even you have only a small or intermediate scale company. In this article, I would like to share with you, how you can manipulate und utilize internet as your marketing medium.

What you need at first? (Assuming that you have already set a target what to sell and how it will be going to be saled). Follow this 6 simple steps.

1. Build a simple Website. Build your simple website with ready to use template. Most probably base on my experience Google based website provider such as Google Page Creator (same like geocities) and Blogger do help the new website be ranked in their search engine list.

2. Find a make some research on what the best keyword best describe your product. Use this tool to anylize your keyword.
2.1 SEO Analyzer
2.2 Perfect Optimization

3. How to maintain your site existence? Make one way backlink. You can build blog or website as many as you want and list your own link on the right or left sidebar of your blog. If you have more variety of products, you can have for each of this product one page of website or blog. Every pages should have unique URL, means that it is different between each other. Than link each of this pages or blogs.

4. Update your website with fresh content or entry.

5. Submit your blog or web to all search engine. Submission can eb done here free of charge.

6. List your website or blog in famous business directory. Some business directory ask you to paid while others is free of charge. For example
  • AliBaba
  • AsiaNet
  • Amfibi -
  • BigFinder -
  • Burf -
  • ExactSeek -
  • Graymule Search -
  • Mostpopularsites -

OK: Selamat mencuba and good luck!! FORZA ITALIA vs ALLE Lez Bluess

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

How to optimize daily expenses?

During the economic slump between 1997 and 1998, I was still studying in form five in boarding school north of Peninsular Malaysia. The economic crisis do effect most of my daily expenses. All praise to Allah, as on that time the price of energy especially petroleum is staying on the "safe" level.

10 years is vorbei. Now Malaysia is blessed with a positive economic growth, thanks to previous leader Dr Mahathir Mohamed. But as a result of rapid industry growth around the world especially in China and India, oil price hike as sudden as never before. Malaysia is also affected.

How to face the difficulties?
Before we tank RM 10 for about 10 litre petrol, but nowadays for a RM 10 you will get around 5 liter only. The oil price hike influence too the price of daily goods to rise up. Thanks to the government who can still control the situation and subsidise the citizen with our own storaged oil. Nevertheless few options are to be taken in order to keep our money being expensed wisely.

1. Buy what you need not what you want.

2. Make daily list of expense. An organize shopping will save time. Saving time means save more money as the tendency to buy what you want will reduce.

3. Use public transport rather than drive your own car in hustle and bustle town area, that may cause you caught in the traffic jam.

4. Diciplined yourself to go for shopping as less as you can.

5. Eat and cook at home.

6. Use Internet to pay bill, transfer money, writing letter, read newspaper, phone (VoiP) or anything that possible. I will write about the powerful of internet in helping you save money.

7. Make a lot of SYUKUR. SYUKUR means if you are Moslem, do thank ALlah regularly. If you are non-Moslem, do remind yourself in a short slow talk for being blessed with nice and easy life.

Thats all for today. We will see again tomorrow.

Deutschland hat Pech gehabt

Der Slogan "wir fahren nach Berlin" ist endlich vorbei. Ein Alptraum für Deutschland. Italy hat in der letzen Minuten 2 Tore geschossen!! Dank an Grosso und der erfahrene Del Piero. Endes Spiel (Italy 2- Deutschland 0)

Am Morgen wird Frankreich gegen Portugal.

Was ist zu tun mit SEO und Keywords oder Tag??

Heute Nacht sucht viele Leuten über die Ergebnis des Spiels. Und naturlich ein FLickr fans Photo.

Italien Fans



This is my FIRST experience getting "lot of user" who visit my Blog after listing it DIGG. In the previous entry, I do tell you about this tools. Just few minutes I send the entry, it draws 5 unique users all over the world.


Lesson 2: Increase your traffic by TAGS and LINKS

Draw traffic and get clicked thru tags and links

1. Tags, tags and tags
Use Technorati. As far as I know this is the best tools to draw traffic to your website. How to make it real? Einfach! First register an account and start claiming your blog. You can configure your blog by adding relevant tags and informations. Tags is literally defined as KEYWORDS. As one of modern SEO tools, Technorati provide a sufficient platform for you to publicise your blog or web.
1.1 Advantages
# Get connected with millions users around the world
# Popular tags and keywords will be highlited
# If you are running a monetize based web or blog, then from technorati, you can also find an update to recent hot tags and topics.

2. Submit your Links and naturlich your story or article
Use this new service. Digg. Submit your good article to Digg and it will automatically be picked up by other social bookmarking sites.
2.1 Advantages
# You will get huge traffic if your site get listed on the front page of Digg or

Lesson 1: Increase your traffic by improving the contents (SEO Tips)

Monetize your website by Adding relevant Content

As I said before, I never attend any seminar nor I have bought any E-book regarding all this things. What I can say, dont waste your money and time. Just key in some powerful keywords like SEO, Internet Marketing, Traffic to your Website etc etc, then you will find lot of relevants website or blog that explain how to drive traffics to your web as well as monetize it.

Let see how we can improve the content?

1. Dont hesitate to write. You can write everything. But it is not that everything that can draw and drive traffic to your website. First understand the current event, issue, news or anything that might attract a lot of attention in this world. For example World Cup. Surprisingly in Alexa, the top movers and shakers seems not a web or blog that contain World Cup and the Ronaldinho story, or anything relate with World Cup, in this week the Wimbledon Tennis Tournament do hike the ranking by 500%. Wow! So just be alert. Write and commment on current issue and events.

2. But World Cup seems not an everlasting events or issues. So which is the best content that can help you increase your traffic? Write something that give people or your reader knowledge or something that they can benefit for. FOr example if you want to make the World Cup Turnier as your content, maybe you can provide tips and tricks on how those who are travelling to Germany can get a very comfortable yet cheap accommodation during their stay in Germany. For example transportation. Use all the informations provided in the web of the service provider and make them easy to access by the visitor. Dont forget to link it back!!

Ok thats all for now. Next lesson will be how to submit your blog to blog directories.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Blogging from Dubai

I am writing my latest entry here in Dubai. I am on my way back to complete my study in Germany, after spending a month to accompany my wife during her labour and confinement time.

Now its time to bounce back. Lot of thing to do! In my luggage there are frozen currypuff and roti canai. Not to forget is packs of keropok ikan. I am planning to introduce those foods and beverages to my colleogues. Who knows they might like it!

Futhermore I am planning to market the frozen roti canai. The plan is already in my head quite some time. But the problem is I just can not make it into reality. InsyaAllah this time I feel more motivated than before. As life will be more challenging for me as the family member grows, I need to create more oppurtinities for the sake of the future.

OK. What I need right now to make the dream come true?

1. Informations
2. Motivation
3. Contact
4. Source
5. Tawakkal

1. Informations are very important. I need to gain as lot as information in a short time. The things should be done schneller (bhs german utk laju). Informal as well as formal infos are really vital.

2. Motiv plus action. I need to set my own goal and start acting towards it!

3. Contact. Who should I contact. I do know few people from Malaysian halal Hub in Amsterdam. I know few reliable supllierd\s and manufacterers from Banting to Losong.

4. Source. I have enough source.

5. tawakkal.....yeah...9\10 of the rizzq is from the business.

So what are u waiting for????

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Saya telah baca banyak sekali panduan dan pandangan serta tips untuk menjana pendapatan melalui internet. Setakat kehari ini saya telah mencuba dua perkara berkaitan menjana wang melalui internet. Semuanya bermula sejak saya mengenali industri autosurf. Saya pada masa itu menyedari, walaupun telah tersilap langkah menyertai autosurf dengan pelbagai plan menarik yang sungguh licik dan mengelirukan (mujur hanya sedikit shj rugi; akan hebatnya kuasa pemasaran dan perniagaan melalui internet ini.

Melalui pembacaan dan perbincangan maya, saya merasakan bahawa dunia internet pada 5 tahun selepas millenieum telah beranjak kepada satu dimensi baru yang lebih terarah kepada bidang ekonomi dan kewangan. Internet kini mampu menjadi medium dan wadah bagi sesiapa sahaja sama ada untuk menjana pendapatan, berniaga, memasarkan dan setidak-tidaknya sebagai pengguna dan pembeli.

Perkara kedua ialah menjana pendapatan melalui Adsense. Alhamdulillah setakat ini kelima-lima web saya yang memuatkan iklan Google Adsense berjaya mendatangkan sedikit pulangan sekitar 0.10 sen ke 1.00 USD. Dalam tempoh 2 bulan mendaftar di Google Adsense tanpa menghadiri sebarang seminar dan membeli sebarang e-book, wang didalam akaun Google Adsense saya berjaya bertambah sedikit demi sedikit.

Pendek kata disini, saya telah menggunakan dua aplikasi.Pertama ialah Google Adsene sebagai penjana kewangan dan kedua ialah laman-laman web internet sebagai medium menjana kewangan.

Boleh Lihat laman-laman web saya yang menjadi medium kepada periklanan Google Adsense.

2.BloG Saya
3.Biofuel Blog
4.Malay Sex Treasure
5.WebSite ini

Nanti ada kelapangan saya akan menulis bagaimana anda juga boleh mendapat sedikit wang melalui AdSense.

BTW anda boleh mendapatkan Ezine menarik tentang menjana Wang secara Cyber disini

Sunday, June 11, 2006


Ok let first start the review with some guidelines.
I will comment and review only on vital aspects of a so called internet based marketing and business. The aspects are:

1: Content of the Website
2: Attractiveness
2.1: Layout
2.2: Webdesign
3: Informations
3.1: Free Informations
3.2: Beneficial Informations
3.3: Practical Informations
4: Overall rating (4,0-1,0)
4.1: 4,0- Pass
4.2: 3,0- Memuaskan
4.3: 2,0- Good
4.4: 1,0- Excellent

Why I first review this website? The founder and webmaster of this website is one of Malaysian Blogger tegar since the first day I was involved in this world of blogging. During my first attempt to establish my own web and blog, the name of mamoncang was really famous among malaysian bloggers at that time (1999-2001). The two years I remark as malaysian bloggers revolution as many of new bloggers emerged like cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan.

Ok let first start the review according to the guidelines above.
1: Content
The website is built based on Joomla CMS script. Joomla is part of ex-Mambo team, which first start the php based CMS. It is an easy and fast way to build a website using this type of CMS as the script is created based on php language which can be integrated with others script like css,html,java etc.

The website contains many informations regarding on tips and tricks on how to build a website, maintain and utilized it as business means.

"MyORIONet ditubuhkan untuk memberikan maklumat yang berguna berkenaan dengan dunia internet kepada orang ramai. Langkah ini bertujuan untuk memastikan orang ramai memiliki pengetahuan yang terkini berkenaan dengan internet.

MyORIONet menggunakan teknik 'real-time hands on" untuk menyampaikan informasi kepada orang ramai. Teknik ini merupakan teknik yang praktikal di mana orang ramai dapat memahami dengan lebih baik segala informasi, tunjuk ajar, tip ataupun trick yang ditunjukkan."

The terms hands on is much appeal, as this is the famous methode of teaching and learning which a long time ago being used in developed countries like USA,Germany and Japan.

The website is not just a plain website and blog, but it provides the webmaster a platform to promote his goods and wares. Currently the webmaster is promoting his e-book explaining effective technique for internet marketing. See here.

2: Design
The design is simple as Joomla provide ready-to-use moduls and blocks. On the left sidebar is all the links, webpages and a skycraper Google Adsense while on the right side is being filled with advertisement and a chat box. Normal approach!

The colour choosed is not bad. With dark grey for the moduls header and light greay for the moduls background, the visitior can easily recognised the main content and the site map. The header can be improved with little bit touch of professional looked graphic and font which can be simply done with help of the software like photoshop and google searched images and photos.

3: Informations
As stated in my previous entry, free materials and open source do matter me much. In you can find many free materials regarding internet marketing, SEO and intertnet business relateded tips and tricks. You can even get one free chapter from the book 15 Cara Efektif Internet MArketing when you subscribe and send your email. But as long as we know, those email that you provide, would be used back as one of the marketing strategies, either as market surveys or even you will receive non stop and non removable default email from the webmaster.

In the website if you browse into certain column and sections, you will find a hands on teaching material. Quite practical and persuasive enough to influence some of you to buy their product.

4: Rating
2,5 (Good effort from one of our Malaysian Blogger Tegar). Syabas Mamoncang!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

SEO Tips for this Week

I just want to reveal some of this week most searched keywords. Put aside the sex and pron words, the most searched keywords for the recent weeks were the EUROVISION SONG CONTEST. The EUROVISION is one of the most prestigious competition held by various agencies and companies. The history was started in 1955.

Inspired by the popular Italian San Remo Festival, the idea for the ESC was born during a meeting in Monaco in 1955 and adopted in Rome shortly after.
The event was to be held for the first time the following year in Lugano, Switzerland; it was entitled "The Eurovision Grand Prix", a name thought up by a British journalist."

This year winner is a metal group from Finland name LORDI. The VIDEO of their perfomance can be found here.

If you find this informations useful dont forget to visit our sponsor on the left sidebar. Thank You!

VoiP and SKYPE and the marketing solution

Skype, VoiP Buster, Voip Stunt, Vonage etc etc are the Voice over Internet Protocol service provider. They provide a reliable new trend of communication using internet protocol. The flexibility of this type of communication which can be under certain condition free of cost is likely one of the great revolution of todays internet application.

What is this actually? Is it for real?

VOIP according to SKYPE is...

"Peer to peer internet voice service. Mac, Windows and Linux versions available. Users may call landlines and cellphones for a fee; users may call each other for free."

But then how to utilize the technology? Mr Gobalakrishnan of Strait Liberties do have a solution. Please read his quote.

"Here's what it's all about: I have discovered and tested (through intensive research and insider information) a completely duplicable marketing system using VoIP (Voice Over IP) and Skype™ that will expand your target market by 300%, instantly slash your communication costs up to 75%, boost productivity and give you more control over your business. You will easily get 3 years worth of experience & research in the next 10 minutes." More informations



Saturday, June 03, 2006

Trend of Today

Internet based business means everything. People are making express money by utilizing their ability thru internet communication. Here in Malaysia where I am currently spending my short holidays, more and more new internet-entrepreneur come out with new idea and technique. With some talent on writing, they manage to gain some respect from their ideas and thoughts.

Here I list some of the blogs and webs of these people. You might got some beneficial informations how to start a home base business, internet marketing, properties etc etc.

Some of the website are written in Malay language, therefore I categorize those in two groups.



I have reviewed some of the website and blogs. I will write the reviews and comments in the separate entry. What make this new trend attractive? Why more and more are getting eager and excited to create and make their own style of internet business and entrepreneurship? Is it that easy to manipulate and utilize ones ability in designing,digesting idea and present them in terms of simple graphic and words in a simple e-book? How about a man of nothing write about properties and provide us a very up to date and useful informations regarding house properties, lands and etc?

The next entry will reveal the strenght,motivation and courage that this people have to emerge as one of the tops online tycoon!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Recent Popular Keywords

He is the Man to Watch at World Cup. He is RONALDINHO. Watch his video at Metacafe.

How to attract more visitor to your website, therefore creating the oppurtunity that your adsense being clicked? The rules are as simple as ABC. CONTENT! Your website should contain attractive yet persuassive contents.

Recent Keywords
Make some homework on recent popular keywords. Set your target group! The keywords could be from different topics or categories. Observe the most happening scene and news arround you. Consider you are a yourself the target group of a football fan and you are looking something about football. What is the most probably topic or issue that a football fan is looking for? It could be Champions League, Premier League, Serie A etc etc? And at the moment what is the most happening football event that take place around you? Let say the World Cup 2006 in Germany. See, the idea is already there. World Cup is the most happening and ongoing event in football.

So World Cup is one of the best keyword. But there are thousand even millions of site that likely or probably write or discussing about World Cup. Now we refine our target group. Let say we concentrate on favorite teams that will perform in the World Cup. For example Brazil,France,Holland and Argentina. And from this four teams we can refine our target group to certain players that can attract the attention of thousand even millions of internet surfers through various publicity,issue and news. I would like to name Ronaldinho as my keywords. Use the source in the internet to get people come to your website or blog. I would use the link provided by video hosting website that host a lot of Ronaldinho videos, ranging from Joga Bonita to his brilliant skills in the football.

Selamat Mencuba!! Let us see, how many user hit this website after I include this video and some news on Ronaldinho.

Links to ROnaldiNho
ROnaldinho in Wiki
Fan Page

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Why Internet Marketing?

Use your blog to promote your product. Blog has the potential to be most powerful tools for entrepreneurs to advertise their product. As many people are worrying about their low budget on advertisement, just few has realized that blog provide free webhosting oppurtunity that can be a smart medium for them to go world wide web. From blog one can reach their target group thru many ways. Blog has their own power to attract internet users and surfers to stick on ones blog.

Here are some reasons why blog can be your internet power marketings tools:
1. Most blog are provided without no cost. Free of charge blog providers such as Blogspot, Blogsome,Blogdrive etc provide you a free web hosting which can host your products informations and photos.

2. Blogs are customizable. You can design your own blog easily. The online template provider provides a lot of different templates which can be suited to your product´s attributes and features. If your product are about homeophaty than you can choose a template which has leaves or herbs background. See here.

3. Blog are universal. They support a lot of scripts and tools. If you want to hear what your customer said about your product you can put a section for comment or guestbook. Many comment system provider provides very reliable box and column to suit your blog. You can also put a poll section which can be used to know the public opinion about your products.

4. Most interesting is the chain of blog. If you are advertising a lingerie product, the best blog chain to target is, the women´s blog chain. From one blog from other blog you can easily change your link, and after few hours you can easily track many new users come to your blog. Ok..dont forget to setup the Statscounter. You can easily track your visitors aka your target group.

5. Last but not least, let your blog stay simple and easy to read. Make all the informations short and precise. Selamat mencuba