Tuesday, September 12, 2006

How to drive traffic to your blog

Blog has changed its function since the AdSense programm introduced few years ago. I start blogging in 2002, but just realize about the power of AdSense last year. 3 years of wasting time write abou bull shit story mori about lame life. So its never too late to change. Nothing is impossible if you work harder. So in this entry I will share with you 7 WAYS how you can drive more traffic to your blog.

  1. Write "how to" tutorial. Just simple 5-7 steps tutorial. For example "Write about how to make your own blog banner".
  2. Write about something that is currently happening. Target your readers. For example yesterday was the 5th year of 11/9. So write about it!
  3. After that submit your entry to social bookmarking like del.ico.us and technorati.
  4. Visit blog that has heavy traffic and participate in the discussion. Leave comments and dont forget your link. Blog like Shoemoney , Dave Taylor and the famous ISnaini Blog templates receive heavy traffic everyday for keywords how to, template, adsense etc etc
  5. Ping...ping all the blog directories as many as you can. Try ping-o-matic . It is just nice to start with.
  6. Start your own simple directory. You can make a simple directory by listing for example "My 10 best Wordpress Plugins". Or you can make a list of "My best Blogger Skins"
  7. Use tags! Download Mozilla Technorati Tags Script for Firefox browser. This script help you to automatically add Technorati Tags in your blogspot post.
Happy trying!!!!

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