Monday, October 20, 2008

How to do Guerilla Marketing

Mr Clean Guerrilla Marketing

Guerilla Marketing - The Bottom Line

In order to fully understand and utilize Guerilla Marketing, you must comprehend the world around you. That's right, the one that bombards "potential customers" with advertisements everywhere they look. On any given day, your potential customers see thousands of advertisements and have developed an automatic filter to them. Therefore, you must stand out if you are ever to be remembered!

When developing your Guerilla Marketing Plan, remember these rules:

  • Time is not on your side - make your impact fast and to the point
  • Keep it current - your customers know their current events, try and use that to your benefit
  • Shock treatment - use the element of surprise or displacement to get noticed
  • Be a Smart Guerilla - doing illegal acts to get noticed may help get you noticed by can also land you in jail.

Marketing Strategy Help

There are a lot of different marketing campaigns and concepts you can use to acquire customers, including Guerilla Marketing. If you are having trouble coming up with profitable solutions and are looking to find a marketing company to do this for you, please give us the opportunity to talk to you about your needs. Preferred Position offers a very affordable marketing strategy service.

Jeff Cairnes
Senior SEO Consultant
Preferred Position

More tips

Co-author of Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days, Jay Conrad Levinson, has laid out some other key principles to help explain the essence of guerrilla marketing:
  • Guerrilla marketing is based on human psychology and the way people think and react vs. judgment and guesswork.
  • With guerrilla marketing, there's an emphasis on profits, not just sales.
  • A good measure of guerrilla marketing is the number of relationships you build over a particular period of time.
  • Guerrilla marketing employs a focus on markets and target audiences vs. trying to be all things to mass markets.
  • There's a concentration on three specific ways to increase business: new referrals, more transactions from existing customers and larger transactions from existing customers.
  • Instead of out-and-out competition, guerrilla marketing supports cooperation with other businesses.
  • Guerrilla marketing is made up of many elements all working together and supporting each component of the program.
  • Technology is the guerrilla marketer's friend. Use it. Leverage it. Profit from it.

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