Friday, August 04, 2006

Power of PING: Argumentation

What is PING?
Ping is a computer network tool used to test whether a particular host is reachable across an IP network (from wiki).

Many ping servers let bloggers or web publisher to ping them of their latest update or entry. Open ping servers like Weblogs and the new Yahoo listed company offer free ping service for bloggers to update their latest entry. PING has been widely used as one of the SEO tools to attract more visitors to ones blog. You can also ping multiple ping servers using

Ping is actually designed for blog subscribers to be informed of fresh new published contents. But recently due to "i-want-more-visitor-to-click-my-adsense" and "i-have-no-patient-to-do-business" attitude, the emerging of spam ping also known as Sping did effect the function of the ping itself.

Sping is functioning as a invisible ping server which directed the internet surfer to particular websites or blogs that are purposely build and maintain to earn money thru adsense or selling bundle software,ebooks etc.

To encourage the accordingly use of ping, just be natural. Update your blog frequently with fresh contents, promote your product wise and evenly, then PING them!

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